This is definitely the point in time, where I have to pay more attention to my own room and stop buying or decorating new mini-stuff. I want my stuff in my flat and not in the basement (where I could storage it all), but that means I have to buy furniture for all these building-blocks and wood and fabric, tools, boxes with accesoires and so on. Not to mention the collection of vintage and modern furniture in a few scales.
During the holidays I tried to find out, what I need and what I want, but it is quite difficult in my room, because it has so many corners, three doors and I want a bed AND a sofa
Here is one trial with the Ikea-planner, but that's not the solution. You can only put workroom or kitchen or bedroom furniture in this planner, this is the reason why there is a bench instead of my beloved sofa in the middle.
Update: The living space of Elizabeth (ELF-Miniatures). Thank you maggi for the hint.