Samstag, 4. Juli 2009

Tapete - Wallpaper

Weil mir die Siebziger Tapeten so gut gefielen, habe ich gleich noch mehr ausgedruckt. Die für's Kinderzimmer findet man hier im Babyzimmer.

und im Wohnzimmer eine meiner Lieblings-Farbkombinationen mit Türkis.

Ich drucke die Tapeten auf normalem Schreibpapier aus, schneide sie passend für die Wände zurecht und klebe sie mit Patafix an den Ecken fest - so kann ich öfter mal wechseln.

ENG.: I like the wallpaper in the seventies room, so I made more: You can find one here and in the living-room you can see one of my favorite color-combination with turquois.
The Wallpaper is printed on normal paper, then cutted in the form of the wall, fixed with a little tack - so I can change as often as I want.

Siebziger Mädchenzimmer - seventies girlsroom


Wie man sieht, habe ich nun eine neue Druckerpatrone!
Bei Ebay habe ich einen Lundby-Plattenspieler ersteigert, der genauso aussieht wie meiner damals, und noch Boxen dazu. Während der Wartezeit widme ich mich nun der passenden Deko für das Zimmer, die Poster und Platten, an die ich mich noch erinnere - wie schön, dass im Netz alles zu finden ist. Nur Accesoires und Deko habe ich echt wenig. Wenn ich meinen Kram so durchsehe, fällt mir auf, was es 1973 alles noch nicht gab!

As you can see I've got a new cartridge!
I shot a lundby recordplayer on ebay that looks like mine I had in the seventies - and a few other technic items. Until it arrives I give attention to the decoration of the walls: posters and record-covers I remember. How nice to find nearly everything in the net. But Ihave nearly nothing to decorate. When I see my stuff I notice, how many things we didn't have in 1973!

Update 05.07.2009: Rebecca reminds me of batik, when she told about macramee, so I took some blue and red fruits and tried to batik a cloth: it works! The record covers are now really covers and not only a cutted picture of it (and my hands full of glue). The Barbie-Lamp is a little bit too big, but I like the color. The Thyme on the table is lovable and fits to the color, too. My "new" recordplayer is on it's way, there will follow some updates.

2. Update 05.07.2009:
Because I think, there will be a lot of work on it and I will not distroy it soon, I put the room into the vine-box in stead of the cupboard. I can carry these box into the sun and perhaps later put a plexiglass before it. Now I have a window (without glass yet) in the room. And sunlight. It's a very hot summer day, I don't like the heat, so stay inside and enjoy the coolness. For this weather it is good, that the sun is high, but for the fotos not. I'm looking forward to autumn and winter, when the sun will shine into my flat and not only on the windowsill.