Mittwoch, 3. März 2010

Crazy about Dollshouses!!!

click on the foto for better quality

I wasn't on ebay this year except the links I found on others blogs - only for a short view. I am so proud that I was able to resist! But today I wanted to buy something new for my dollshouses and I know a very oldfashioned shop for toys and other stuff, I saw a beeboo-dollhouse-furniture set there before christmas. Today after work I made a little walk to this shop, I met an old friend of my schooldays and I found the furniture - only 15 €. I bought some other stuff, it is a treasure trove there! New is the littel birdcage as an easter-decoration, the playmobil-micro-house, the playmobil camera and some other little things. Now I wish I had such a tripod for my camera too.
Hope you enjoy this rooms of a dollshouse-maniac:

7 Kommentare:

  1. was'n das für'n freakiges lila vieh? 'ne kuh? milka-merchandise?

  2. ja, eine kuh, die habe ich mal in der spielkiste bei freunden gefunden und den kids abgekauft. die waren stolz wie oskar wegen der paar cents und ich hab die weiße kuh dann lila gemalt. war zufällig genau das lila wie von einer gewissen schokolade.
    ich finde sie auch freakig, ein anderes wort fällt mir für sie nicht ein....
    gut's nächtle

  3. I really like these rooms! What kind of furniture is your sofa and chair with red cushions? I love that look! So many dollhouses! I see a little trailer on top of the bookshelf that is just so cute! :D

  4. Oh wow, lovely dolls houses. But my favourite is that caravan/trailer. What scale is this in Oese?

  5. Hi Kathi, nice you like my rooms, thanks for your comment! All the wooden furniture is beeboo.

    Lize, it's fun to work with mini dollshouses, isn't it? I'm sorry, because I've thrown away the wrapping I do not know the scale of the car, perhaps 1:87? I'm not sure.

  6. Love all the houses, I have the playmobile micro house too! But my favourite is the caravan and the little tripod. Just before my last post I bought a tripod for my real camera, it made taking good pictures of the whole house much easier, but I still use handheld camera when I take pictures inside the rooms. It was quite cheap as well, about 30 euros.

  7. Hi Pubdoll, I'm afraid there is no space for a tripod for the camera in my microflat. But it must be very useful for fotographing at night.
    The caravan is so popular, that's nice!
