do you know such special days with so many different things that happen? and then you come back and there are two packets in the mail?
Yesterday I found the stag (or deer? is there a difference?) and the frame. I think there would be perhaps a person who'd love to have these finds in a room she/he lives in. Everything is possible, you can imagine!
Today I've got the sweet apple-notebook, and finally the little Re-ment house and many more Re-ment bits in the mail! Thanks to Carol you wanted me to have a treat like this and thanks to Callsmall who sent the packet to me. A 3-person-swap!
Liebe Petra
AntwortenLöschenDa hast du wirklich schöne Sachen geswappt - ich bin ganz verliebt in das winzige Schloß :)
Danke auch für die mail und den lieben Inhalt - wenn ich wieder da bin mehr dazu...
Ich wünsche dir auch schöne & erholsame Tgae bei deinen Freunden und natürlich gute "Funde" in der Spielzeugkiste ;D
LG, Nicola