Some of my scenes exists only a very short time - I make my fotos for the blog and then destroy them. Some scenes may stay for a few days, untill I want to build another scene in the same room. But some scenes stay for a very long time, so this one of my grandmothers appartement. So I looked at it every day and sometime I thought, that my grandma had no piano, but a sewing machine. And I took my sewing machine and some more accesoires and replaced some pieces, put the vintage lamp in - now I love this room more than before - for me it is more authentic now. The picture frame above the sofa is a little bit too small, but nothing is perfect.
A little bit of spring arrived in germany, I got some plastic flower out of the basement, that I use every year in the time before I get the summer flowers on the balcony. I realized, that the orange ones are in exactly the same colour than some flowers petitenouveau sent me in a swap - have a look:
I remember my grandmother always had a display of plastic flowers in her hallway. It fascinated me.
AntwortenLöschenMy mother had a flower holder - it was an inverted glass sphere full of water. She would put a flower in it, usually a camelia, and it would stay looking fresh for weeks. I wonder if anyone else remembers these?
Thanks for starting these memories for me!
Playing is so much fun. Love the changes.
AntwortenLöschenMy mother had plastic flower centerpieces when I was little and we lived in Japan. The most amazing one had blue exotic flowers with BLUE leaves. She kept it so long she had to sponge the dust off the plastic leaves. I loved it. C
AntwortenLöschenJa, dieses tolle Oma-Zimmerchen kann man sich auch wirklich länger anschauen... Mit der Nähma ist es jetzt echt noch granny-mäßiger :)
AntwortenLöschenIch stehe hier auch manchmal einfach nur vor meinen Lundby-Häusern und schaue `rein. Und manchmal höre ich die Familien fast wispern :"Hoffentlich geht sie bald wieder, damit wir uns wieder bewegen können... " ;D...
Ist ja echt scharf mit den Blumen ;)
AntwortenLöschenI like the changes you made, especially the sewing machine. I remember when we were at our grandmother we used to play with her box with buttons.
AntwortenLöschenAnd how cool with the flowers, they really do look totally alike!
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass selbst die Plastikblumen euch Begeisterung und schöne Erinnerungen bringen. Danke Euch allen.
AntwortenLöschenAchja, Omas Knopfkiste. Was für eine arme Kindheit muss das sein, wenn man das Gefühl der kleinen Hände in den Massen von kühlen, glatten Knöpfen nicht erlebt....
Knopfkisten für alle!
I did not think that even the plastic flowers you bring enthusiasm and good memories. Thank you all.
Oh, and Grandma's button box. What a poor child must be, if you do not feel the little hands in the masses of cool, smooth buttons experienced ....
Button boxes for all!
For me too this room feels more like my own grandmother's room - although my grandmother kept her sewing machine in her bedroom! She always had some knitting or crochet to keep busy with - and she also had a button collection, and a lovely old sewing box (one in three layers that opens out, just like the miniature ones on German ebay) - and we loved going through that too - there was a button hook, for doing up buttons on boots, from when she was a little girl!
AntwortenLöschenAnd plastic flowers - I certainly remember plastic flowers in her home until about 1975 (then she moved). I found some tiny bouquets of plastic flowers and hung them in my Lundby 1960s house, because they are so evocative of that era for me!
Nice memories, Rebecca.
AntwortenLöschenToday I was in a alteration taylor shop (???) and asked for a change of a shirt, which has a too big neckline. She told me it is too much work for such a cheap shirt and standing before her mirror I had the idea to shuffle together the cloth and put a button on it. The taylor said, that would be nice, a great idea and you can do it of your own. Then she carries her button box from the backroom and we both had our fingers in the masses of buttons.
I had to smile, of course you know of what I was thinking....
She gave me the button I chose as a gift. Nice people around - the sun makes us all happy. I hope you're happy too