Ich habe nur schnell was zusammengestellt, insbesondere die Küche ist noch nicht "gut", die Türgriffe klebe ich immer mit Vaseline an oder manchmal auch mit Papierkleber (der lässt sich später gut mit einem Radiergummi entfernen). Es werden aber noch schönere gebastelt.
Leider passen die Klötze in der Größe nicht zu den anderen - ich dachte eigentlich, die Größe sei genorm. Nun sieht man, dass für die Miele-Küche, die ich gern noch erweitern wollte, die einen zu groß und die anderen zu klein sind. Aber egal: Ich liebe diese Dinger und sie sind ihr Geld wert!
They just arrived from UK. It's a shame, that they aren't available in Germany, but I guess, german parents won't let their children play with black bricks. In a hurry I put something together, it will be done better, especially with the grips of the cabinets. I usually "glue" them with Vaseline (petroleum jelly), but sometimes with paper glue. One can remove it easily with a rubber gum.
I thought, all building blocks have one unique size, but I failed. As you can see, the old ones are to big for the Miele-units and the new ones are to little. But: I love them and there a worth the money I spent for it. Thank you very much to Christy, who let me know that such blocks exist!
The idesa that you come up with just amaze me. Your rooms look so modern and artistic. You can put anything together and it works well. I just love that washing machine.
AntwortenLöschenhello and thank you doreen,
AntwortenLöschenI have to confess, that the idea with the blocks is stolen from mini-modern. did you ever visited her blog? I think she is the best in modern miniature. I cannot afford all these wonderful designer furniture that others collect. so in german we say "Not macht erfinderisch" (Necessity is the mother of invention). This and a little bit talent is all about. It's a pleasure to me you enjoy!
I love the black and pink scene especially - it works so well with the scene you put together with the Zen rock garden! And thanks for the tip about cupboard handles - again, I would never have thought of using vaseline!
AntwortenLöschenthank you Rebecca, yes I'm a great artificer contrivancer deviser forger innovator inventor originator ;-)
AntwortenLöschenwhy are there so many words for only one expression I ask for????? boo hoo!
So I learned "cubboard handles" and forget about "cabinet grips". And you can take the vaseline for glueing very small pieces. So nice we have each other!
Best regards
Ich liebe die Szene mit der schwarzen und rosa Bauklötze am besten auch! Die "Kommode" sieht toll aus!
Dear Oese,
AntwortenLöschenAll those words describe you well! Although forger can mean someone who makes copies of works of art or money and passes them off as the real thing.
As for cabinet grips vs cupboard handles - I think that Americans might call them grips. I'm not sure, as I don't speak American! But I certainly notice differences in how sellers on US ebay describe furniture. For example, an armoire (US) is what I would call a wardrobe (das Kleiderschrank). And I have seen bloggers and ebay sellers use the word credenza for what I would call a sideboard (die Anrichte).
So English is not at all simple - you can say 'cupboard handles' or 'cabinet grips', or probably other names as well!!!
You are very kind to write in English as well. Actually, I try reading the German first, for practice, and look at the English if I can't understand it all. And whatever words you choose, your pictures are very clear!
Liebe Rebecca,
AntwortenLöschenich lerne Englisch durch das Bloggen. Es ist schön, wenn du ein bisschen Deutsch lernst.
Du bist sehr freundlich!
Liebe Grüße
Oh Osese the Brio blocks are so nice! I am so glad you bought them and posted them so we could all see them. Like Rebecca I read the German posts to see what I can still translate (very rusty even after being an exchange student in Mainz).
AntwortenLöschenSo now I have to translate very carefully, so that you both are not confused. Till now I often translated very very free, when there was to many words to search in the online-dictionary and I was to lazy.
AntwortenLöschenHow long and in which year you was in Mainz? I have never been in this town, is it nice?
I love the blocks very much, thanks again for mentioning it.
I was there in 96 for a summer exchange. It's in Rheinland Pfaltz and it's a sister city of my hometown, Louisville. It's pleasant and very pretty. Since then I have been back to Germany for Oktoberfest and stayed in Garmish which was spectacular!