...im Sonnenlicht samstags morgens zu fotografieren, habe ich mich heute hinreißen lassen, weitere Szenen in diesem Baukausten-Puppenhaus zu machen. Mehr davon in meinem

to make fotos in the full sunlight of the saturday morning I made a few other scenes in my building-set-house. See more if you want in my (link above).
¡Bien por esta iluminación!
AntwortenLöschenBesos Clara
muchas gracias, clara
AntwortenLöschenlass dir spass am leben ,enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
mach ich! hattest du um halb zwei auch was zum erfreuen?
AntwortenLöschenYour buildingset gives so much fun and beauty! I love this house and the last photo is so lifelike! And I love Greta too, she's really a beauty!
AntwortenLöschenThank you Pubdoll, nice you like this. I wanted to make the matching sofa, but now I bought it and it is on the way to me with a few other treasures. I'm looking forward to furnish (not only) my new gotenburg house with. But I think one day I'll make such a Greta-group of my own with really good wood. I have got to know a man who will propably help me - he is very old and I think he has more time than I have. We will see.
AntwortenLöschenOh, and I agree with the building-set. I'm thinking of buying another one :-)