Freitag, 3. September 2010

2 Kommentare:

  1. No hablo tu idioma, me gustan tus escenas y todos tus trabajos. Esta entrada no la he entendido, ¿lo has hecho o lo has comprado?
    Sea como sea me han gustado mucho.
    Besos Clara

  2. Hi Clara, I'm sorry to have to tell you, that the google-translator isn't good enough to translate all your comments correctly. Often I can only guess what you mean. Some single words I can understand, because I learned french and latin at school, but so often I'm sad because I cannot answer to your comments, I see you are obviosly a fan of my scenes. Thank you so much for this.
    It would be great if there were a reader who's able to speak both spanisch and german/english to help us sometimes.
    Lots of love!
