Freitag, 24. September 2010


 Ich komme immer an einem Friseurladen vorbei, wo so eine Drahtkugellampe im Fenster hängt. Schon lange wollte ich meinen Draht, der in der Schublade schmort, zu so einer Lampe machen. Ich hatte es mir allerdings einfacher vorgestellt. Wie immer sehen die Dinger zwar auf den Fotos gut aus, aber "in echt" überhaupt nicht. Ich bin froh über alle Tipps, wie ich das besser hinkriege.
I tried to make this lamp I see in a shopwindow every day, but it was not so easy as I thought before. I like them on the fotographs, but in real they are ugly. I'd like to hear your tipps for making it better.
 Die erste habe ich um eine Papierkugel gewunden und anschließend die Kugel verbrannt, aber diese Methode ist nicht zu empfehlen, außer für Zündler.
Danach habe ich einfach den Draht um die Finger gewickelt. Als Kunstobjekte, die nicht symmetrisch und ordentlich sein sollen, lasse ich sie durchgehen, aber eine Version in ordentlich hätte ich auch gerne.
The first I made with a paperball I burnt after I put the wire around. In the second version I put the wire around my fingers. I think as a piece of art they are okay, but I would like to have one that is nice, you know what I mean?

 Ich liebe diese Fotos mit dem unterschiedlichen Licht, darum habe ich sie alle hochgeladen, was seit heute bei mir auch in einem Rutsch geht. Endlich! Das wurde auch Zeit! Danke Google.
I love this fotographs with the different light, so I uploaded them all. It is possible in one step since today. Finally! Thanks Google.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Oese! I have been trying to make a very similar lamp with no success. These pictures looks incredible. I think you did a fantastic job. I tried using a small balloon and then was going to pop it when finished, but the balloon was too soft and wouldn't hold the circle shape. Your idea of burning the paper ball inside the wire is brilliant! Congratulations!

  2. Hi MiniDork, I would like to see your lamp too. My lamps are really ugly, but I'm able to lie so good with my camera, that's true.
    I've never seen such a lamp in miniature before, perhaps it is really difficult.
    lots of love to you. I love your blog so much!

  3. I will cheat and use Christmas decorations, Petra but truly, I think yours have turned out very well.

  4. Oese,
    I have not seen lamps like these in miniature either, but I love the ones in real life. They seem so easy to make, but as you know they are tricky. Mine was so ugly I threw it away, but I will try again and send you photos next time. Your blog is so inspirational, you have such a great eye for the smallest details. I love it!!
