Oder ist es eine Galerie?
What a crazy person must live here? Or is it a gallery and no livingroom?
Neomis Geschenke sind nicht ohne. Sie fordern mich heraus, daraus etwas zu machen, was auf den ersten Blick fast unmöglich erscheint. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wer sich eine solche Lampe ins Zimmer hängt, aber bei einem exzentrischen Künstler könnte es vielleicht sein. Oder in einem Friseurladen? Oder Antiquitätengeschäft?
Neomis gifts are a great challenge. What to make of these thingamabob on the ceiling? I've no idea, who could have such a lamp, except perhaps a very eccentric artist. Or a hairsalon-owner? Or a shop for antiquites?
Habe ich die Kunstwerke richtig herum aufgehängt? Ich weiß noch nicht mal, was oben oder unten ist bei dieser Schrift. Die Kärtchen sind von Neomi, ebenso wie die Untersetzer. Und die Bücherkiste, die da auszupacken ist, beinhaltet nur einen Bruchteil der Bücher, die ich nun besitze: alle von Monika gemacht.
I don't know if the art hang in the right direction at the wall. Neomi gave me this little cards, and the coasters too. And the pink box with books contains only a little part of all the many books Monika sent me.
It's a pity that I cannot make the fotos veryvery small with the new editor. Or did anyone know how to?
Hi Kasha, It might be your alta ego wants to live like this. Very artistic placement
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Petra
AntwortenLöschenEs ist ein genuss dir Geschenke zu machen weil du etwas ganz Neues immer draus machst!
Bei mir, ist dieser 60jahre plastic Unterzats eil Spiegel geworden, bei dir eine Lampe......
Die Kärtchen konte mann sich mit der Schokolade
hollen ( Da hatten die muster gepast )Du hast sie perfect richtig aufgehengt.Das siet alles so Toll Hell aus!
I would love to be the crazy person that lives there! I love the feel of brightness in the space!
AntwortenLöschenMahesha, I'd never live in a room without a sofa. I love my sofa!!! there is only an old brown chair in this room. I had similar chairs in the late 70s.... I never found some like this in this cool shape.
AntwortenLöschenNeomi, wie war die Schule? Läuft alles gut oder verlierst du dich im Neuen? Ich bedanke mich nochmals und wünsche dir alles Liebe.
hi ann, thanks to you! yes I love brightness too, how nice Neomi gave me the chance to make this.
They are very well put together , Petra. I can live here , definitely, for a few days and be very happy :). There are only 4 sizes of photos for the new editor. No very very small :):). But why you want to make very very small? I really like them to be very very big! So that I can see all your details :)
AntwortenLöschenthank you, Sans! You're welcome! I was used to make some behind-the-scenes fotos veryvery small, where you can see the cables of lamps, the surrounding of the dollhouse or the mess in the rooms above or below. So that it is a harmonic and beautiful outfit in the post. The people who paid attention and was curios could enlarge this fotos with one click.
AntwortenLöschenSo, now I have to live with this....
Lovely, very harmonious! Who could live here? Someone who is very round, and loves to see roundness everywhere? Or, someone who is very thin, and likes to be surrounded by the opposite - that's what occurred to me! The brown fits in very well with the colours - otherwise maybe the person who loves round things would have a ball chair, and for a sofa - perhaps pink lips?
AntwortenLöschenI can still choose small, medium or large for my photos, and then resize them the way you told me (clicking on the bottom right corner) - and I don't know about a new editor. I'm used to the old one!
Hi Rebecca, your thoughts to this post are very nice - love to read it. I read that the old editor will be removed after a while and I decided to use the new one before, so that I can learn without hurry. Sometimes I change to the old editor too, but there are some tools better in the new one, perhaps you can remove actions like in ms-word.
AntwortenLöschenI think I will be used to the new one soon. I hope so!
Best wishes to you.