Montag, 25. April 2011

Bei mir gibt's eine Ente, keinen Hasen

zu Ostern.
Heute bin ich spontan noch einmal zu einem anderen Flohmarkt gegangen und habe unter anderem diesen 2 CV gekauft, DAS Auto meiner Jugend, für das wir Mädchen schwärmten. Der Maßstab stimmt nicht ganz, aber fast. Ich mag das Sommer-Urlaubs-Feeling, das so eine Ente vermittelt. Wenn bald die Bauzäune um unseren neuen See entfernt werden, gibt es schöne Strandfotos.
Ich habe noch ein paar andere süße Kleinigkeiten gefunden, davon später mehr.
Mehr Fotos bei FlickR

Ich habe auf dem Heimweg versucht, Fotos nach dem Vorbild von Michael Paul Smith zu machen. Naja, mit weitaus weniger Erfolg als dieser wundervolle Künstler, der noch dazu sehr nett und freundlich ist.

Und hier habe ich schnell mal eben die anderen Kleinigkeiten, die ich gefunden habe, in einem Raum untergebracht. Die Kommode ist ein Serviettenhalter, das kleine Haus darauf ein Tee-"Ei", im Regal ist noch eine kleine Schatztruhe und ein Flügel. Das große Kreuz an der Wand stammt noch von meinem letzten Marktbesuch.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Love the car Oese. I think you've done very well to make it look like a Michael Paul Smith scene =0)

  2. Weird...your name has translated into 'Loop'??


  3. I have a soft spot for 'Ducks' Oese. I love the one you found! It is the car of my childhood. I still love the very specific sound it makes and I looooooove driving them (my sister still owns one)! When you drive a 2CV you know you are driving, you really have to turn the wheel and shift the gears. Of course with this kind of weather you roll up the roof and it becomes a cabrio. Great find Oese! It doesn't matter it is a little off size wize.

  4. thank you pepper for your compliment. i'm glad to have the opportunity to make some more shots for exercising this summer though.
    josje, you speak from my heart. we had a r4 in this time when the ducks was "hip". the feeling of driving a car was extraordinary - i remember. nowadays i don't like to drive cars, i prefer my bicyle.
    have a nice rest of easter you both!

  5. Hallo Petra
    Ich habe einen DC aus Papmache gemacht der ist auf meinem Facebook zu sehen! Ich finde Deins Super!!!!!

  6. Great photos! Love the car. :D That little tea container is just precious! Did you make that?
    It is so cute! :D

  7. What an awesome find! I love the 2CV's too, and a colleague in my office has one. I think you did a great job making a Michael Paul Smith scene, even though there's noone that does it quite like the master himself.
    I love your other finds as well. It takes an amazing mini-eye like yours to see that the napkinholder would make such a great sideboard. And the grand piano is so small, yet so detailed!

  8. I forgot to say, but I love the scene in your headerphoto!

  9. Hi Kathi, I love this cute tea-container too, I'm so happy I saw it in the last minute, when I was just leaving the market. No, it's a fleamarket find, not made by me. I'm not good in metal-work, to be honest: never tried.
    Pubdoll, thank you for your compliments. I think the sideboard is very special, but I love it too. Perhaps I try to make the side walls (hidden through the view of the camera) too. But with which material.
    And nice you like my swimming-pool, I wish I had one. It is so expensive to go to a bath nowadays and they aren't open nearly everytime, but very seldom. This is one of the things which were better in the past! Sigh.
