Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

Finally screwed together

 Yesterday I finally screwed together my Gotland-Dollhouse. It was not so easy, but now everything is fixed and I gave the room some new wallpapers in blue and put all the lamps in I have in stock. I especially love the orange-kitchen lamp.

 My new shelve stands there, where the fireplace belongs. I don't use the fireplace here, because there is one outside and I like to have the space for other thing.

 The woven rug is made by me in my holidays this year, I thing weaving is very easy and quickly done.
 Ah I love these shelve, would like to have one for my own flat, because I love to move the furniture and this needs (hopefully) no screws.

I wish you all a nice and sunny and peaceful sunday.

9 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schön, hier würde ich mich glatt einquartieren :-)
    Ich hoffe, die Puppenhausarbeit hat dich ein wenig abgelenkt und es geht dir heute wieder etwas besser.....
    LG, Lilli

  2. Hi Oese :-)
    Its lovely I like the artwork on the blue wall! and the furniture too x

  3. Hi Oese, I was so very surprised and, I admit, overwhelmed that you added me to your "favoriten." It makes a new blogger feel so nice. I really look up to you as your scenes are always so beautiful and so creative. When I first started finding blogs on miniatures, I discovered yours and was blown away by your design sense. I am sure many think we are "just playing with dolls," but, as you have said many times, this is a good way to release the tension of our real lives. I especially like that you are from Germany as I emigrated from there in the early 50's and I feel such a connection with anything German.

  4. Hallo Petra
    Ich finde das regal auch toll . Die Idee und auch dass du es fertight gebrach hast!
    das kleine Zimmer ist si schön. Mir gefält auch die Kücheß ist die eingebaut?
    Alles Liebe

  5. This is wonderful, looks like a lot of fun...

  6. It looks gorgeous, love the blue colour on the walls.

  7. Hi Lilli, bei diesem Haus denke ich auch oft, dass ich es gern bewohnen möchte - alles da, was man braucht, schlicht und einfach - ein Sommerhaus eben. Danke, ich bin ok :-)
    Thanks Natalie, hope to see some more of your blogging soon.
    Hunky Dory, so nice to hear you have german roots. You must have been a child when your parents went to America. Are they still alive? Did they talk german to you? If you want, we could skype and I'll show you some of my very german treasures that are too big and I want to get rid of them, but not via ebay.
    Mellissa, thank you so much, yes it was fun and still is because of the lighting. The days become shorter now and I can enlighten the house in the very late evening, so sweet.
    Norma, I love the blue color too, but it is only a scrapbook paper and I can remove it for other colours. Isn't that nice?
    Thank you all for your comments and good words to make me feel better. It works....

  8. Hi!
    Oh Wahnsinn! Du bist wohl wahnsinnig - das ist wahnsinnig ... schön - nicht falsch verstehen! *g

    Unglaublich! Ich hätte es nie für möglich gehalten, so ein Puppenhaus zu machen. Toll! Das ist unglaublich schööööön! Ich staune noch immer und mir fehlen noch immer die Worte! Toll!

    Liebe Grüße LOLO

  9. Hey, was ist das denn für ein Wahnsinnskommentar? ;-)
    Du weißt aber schon, dass ich das Puppenhaus nicht gemacht habe, sondern Firma Lundby? Ich habe nur ein paar passende Veränderungen mir erlaubt. Schön, dass es dich so vom Hocker reißt, dabei gibt es ja wirklich bessere Fotos von meinen Häusern....
    Ganz liebe Grüße
