Once again nice childhood-memories ... vacances in cannes, france, riviera .... the men drunk ricard with water - and the water was in this yellow carafe. I guess my parents had one too in their home, who could know it'd be such a cool thing now. I wanted it so much and I was lucky with the price. Today the pitcher arrives plus two cups.
Ich werde meine Mama mal fragen, ob sie noch ein Foto hat, wo diese Kanne drauf ist.
I'll ask my mom wether she has a foto with this pitcher.
Dem Ricard zu Ehre habe möglichs viel Gelbes hervorgekramt.
To honor the Ricard I put most of my yellow in this scene.
Und hier ist der Grund, warum ich es dann doch gekauft habe, all meine Versuche, so ein Ding selbst zu machen, schlugen fehl. Zuerst mit Fimo, das ging schief, dann wollte ich logisch vorgehen und hab den Aufbau studiert. Auch ein Fiasko. Aber ich habe es wenigstens versucht!
And this is the reason why I had to buy it.I tried hard to make one of myself, first with fimo, then I made studies about the build up. But I failed totally. But at least I tried!
Hi Oese,
AntwortenLöschenthere are different models of this pitcher. It's not always yellow, it can be in glas, too. If you want to find the exact one, you have seen , when you were a child, just look for pictures on Google with these two words "pichet ricard"
hi bea, oh I searched google different times with different words. I knew exactly that the men drunk ricard. I knew exactly that the pitcher was plastic. but I'm not sure what was written on it. the shape was nearly the same as on the pitchers with "berger" on it. i think these is a copy and because it is not allowed to write "berger" they took "baker", similar.
AntwortenLöschenI hope my mother will find any fotographs.
thanks for the sunshine. the sun is shining here too, but it is so cold, we wear jackets and while riding the bike I would like to wear Handschuhe. brrrr.
yes, at least you tried! I find it too intimidating.
AntwortenLöschenClearly, your talent lies in other areas, like arranging and finding mini uses for normal items. To me, that is a real gift. :)
Did you get your camera fixed?
hi dale, thank you!
AntwortenLöschenI bought a new camera, when my first got broken a few years ago. this second camera was in the dresser and not in use, after "Uri Geller fixed" the first one. Now the first camera is in the dresser, waiting for another miracle, wonder, and the second camera is the one I use. Meanwhile I'm very content, it has a big display and I can chose some views while making fotos and not afterwards with the software.
This days the sun is shining and I'll take my little house outside once again.