Dieses Fahrrad habe ich im Weltladen in Bad Wildungen entdeckt und musste es noch meiner Sammlung hinzufügen. Es ist recycled.
Ja, so schön kann es in Dortmund sein! Auf meinem Balkon.
In der Klinik gab es ein tolles Schwimmbad, das ich bald jeden Tag genutzt habe. Die Nana gefiel mir natürlich besonders gut und ich habe diese aus Ton kopiert.
Nun kann sie an diesem Pool stehen.
AntwortenLöschenIch taueme schon laenst von so einem Fahrad - und modern Wie das da!
Deine Ton arbeit ist prima und dass schwimmbad Toll.
Love your swimming pool! The photos are great!
AntwortenLöschenDid you get a new haircut? Love it!
I love that picture of you. You look great! Your pool scene is really good and makes you want to go and sit by it and watch the little seal. Are you now going to be creating more clay creations?
AntwortenLöschenYour weeks look wonderful.
AntwortenLöschenI LOVE the reflections in the water of your pond! The windows look beautiful in the ripples. C
Hi Neomi, danke für dein Kompliment, ich kann gerne mal nach so einem Fahrrad für dich schauen, wenn du willst.
AntwortenLöschenWas macht dein Computer?
Hi Kathy, thanks you too. Yes, after one week with wet hair three times a day I decided to make a haircut of my own, as usual. But my tools was at home and it was difficult to cut with a normal scissor for paper. but I succeded at last. on a fair I found a scissor for hair and wanted to buy it, but the man said, no it is only for showing how I can sharpen it with "THIS WONDERFUL SHARPENER". I borrowed the scissor and made my haircut perfect behind his trailer. It was very funny for all my pals - they had never seen such a crazy woman before. But I was in a psychatric rehab - so why not?
Doreen, you're so kind. Thank you very much. No I think I will not work with clay, because it must be burnt in a special stove. In the clinic there was such a stove. I think I will work with soapstone sometimes, I've got some pieces. We will see.
CM my dear - i had good weeks with some wonderful moments, but there was a lot of frustration too. and the "work" isn't done, I've to continue. But the possibilities for creativity was great, that's right. I enjoyed it very much.
Some pieces are left to be shown.....
Greetings to all of you.
Hi - these are fab photos!! The ones with the water are so lovely!
AntwortenLöschenI love your haircut, and that you did it yourself!!
It seems that rehab was good - you will be left with a lot to process - some immediately, and some may take longer - I do wish you well, dearest lady!!
Your art and craft are amazing!
Hi Glenda, nice to hear from you. Btw, I love your haircut too :-)
AntwortenLöschenThanks for your agreement and good wishes. I'm so glad to have a lot of friends here.
Have a nice day!
Liebe Oese, schön, dass Du wieder da bist, ich habe Deine optimistischen und fröhlichen Beiträge vermisst...
AntwortenLöschenLieb von Dir, Puppenstubensammlerin.
AntwortenLöschenIch denke, wir können nun langfristig mal ein Treffen in der kälteren Jahreszeit zum Klönen, Tauschen, Basteln anpeilen, oder?