Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Mein neuestes Haus

 Das neue Haus hat mich bisher noch nicht gereizt, es weiter auszubauen. Aber heute habe ich wenigstens mal das Dach von innen verkleidet und es etwas eingerichtet. Mal sehn, was sich noch daraus entwickelt.


 Hier ist mein Schuhregal-Haus, wie es meine geliehenen Enkelkinder eingerichtet haben. Sie können stundenlang damit spielen und sind kaum an die frische Luft zu kriegen, weil es in meinen Schubladen so viel zu entdecken gibt.

Sonntag, 25. September 2011

Diesmal das große

 Heute war mal wieder eine Renovierung fällig, allerdings von meinem 1:1 Raum, das rosa hatte ausgedient, ich brauche wieder klares, gerades um mich rum. Habe mich für beige und grau entschieden.

Montag, 19. September 2011

Off topic

Ein schnelles Single-Mittagessen heute - lecker!
A quick meal for a single person- yummy
Weil ich schon wieder so viel anderes zu tun hatte und nicht zu den Posts komme, die ich mir eigentlich vorgenommen hatte, zeige ich Euch hier mal eine schnelle Szene mit einer neuen Postkarte und einem Serviettenring. 
Eine schöne Woche Euch!
 Because I was too busy to make one of the scenes that are in my mind I show you a simple scene with a new postcard and napkin-holder. Wish you a wonderful week, be happy and make happy!

Sonntag, 11. September 2011


 This is what I found on the fleamarket today: Some glasses, because I broke some of my wine-glasses, a lamp for the alpine hut, a kanu-boat and a balance tower - you all know that I can use the wooden bricks in many ways - don't know the name of that doll that is more agile than Fran and a polly-pocket set. This earrings seems very nice to me.


Yesterday was such a beautiful weather and I took my shoerack-house to the park. I readbefore that there was a beach newborn behind a restaurant and I wanted to make fotos to let it look like a beachhouse. But there was no beach, no sand, only in the playground - and there were so many children. Too many to make fotos.

So I made only this fotos. Hope to find a beach or a lot of sand soon.
Have a nice sunday! Today is our fleamarket again, I'll have look and hope to find some Playmobil-treasures.

Freitag, 9. September 2011

The truth about Fran

 I know that most of my readers know my fat doll Fran and like her - as I like everything overweight ;-). And I like to make clothes for her and make outdoor fotografs of her. why outdoor?

Donnerstag, 8. September 2011

Dienstag, 6. September 2011


I had a wonderful week with friends in a beautiful valley in the "Pfälzer Wald". I lived in a community there 25 years ago and it was so very nice to see some of the people I lived with once again after this long time. This shot was made at my birthday, I got these purple cup (katimus, don't be envious :-) and some other nice gifts. More fotos to come.
I have to admit that I had Fran with me, but didn't work on a new outfit for her (as I planned) and didn't make any hot fotographs of her. Sorry that I'm not in minis at the moment, I kind of daydreamed the whole day ...

 The house we lived in 1986 is called "Das blaue Haus" means "the blue house". I promised my children (born 81 and 83) to make a lot of photos to find out, wether they got memories of it or not. Nearly nothing has changed. Unbelievable for me, who moved about 20 times in this years, that there is a place like in the 80s!